- JK, SK, 1st and 3rd grades drop-off on the north side of Webster Avenue at Mid-Parker Field Gate from 8:10–8:30 a.m.
- 2nd and 4th–8th grades drop-off at Webster Lot from 8:10–8:30 a.m.
- Some 7th graders (per rooms being used) drop-off at Circle Drive front entrance from 8:10–8:30 a.m.
- Some 8th graders (per rooms being used) drop-off at Circle Drive front entrance from 8:10–8:30 a.m.
- 9th–12th grades line up at the Circle Drive front entrance for check-in from 7:50–8:05 a.m. If student is coming to campus in the afternoon, line up at the Circle Drive front entrance for check-in from 12:20–12:35 p.m.
- Families with students using multiple drop-off points drop-off near Mid-Parker Field Gate.
- All students must participate in a temperature check and screening upon arrival. Parents should leave campus once they have dropped-off their student(s). The nurse will contact you if you need to return.
- There will be a closed campus for all US students; once students arrive on campus, they must remain on campus until they have completed their commitments and leave for the day.
here for a map detailing the paths students will take to their respective entry points.