Our School Leadership

The Francis W. Parker School Board of Trustees is responsible for advancing the best interests of the school consistent with its philosophy, mission, founding principles and ideals of progressive education. The Board’s responsibilities include overarching policy matters, the school’s financial well-being and budgeting and hiring the Principal. In carrying out these responsibilities, the Board operates strategically, attentive to the long-term interests of the institution and alert to the needs of the entire community and each constituency: current students, current parents, faculty, administrators, staff, alumni, prospective parents and future generations of students and parents.

The board comprises up to 33 voting members, including at least 11 current parents and 5 alumni. Non-voting representatives to the Board include the Principal, key members of the school administration, faculty representatives and student representatives. In addition, there are Honorary and Life Trustees to the Board.

In all aspects of its work, the Board collaborates with the administration, staff and faculty to further a collective vision of the school’s principles.

Board of Trustees

Jennifer Friedes, Co-Chair
Isabel Navarrete Polsky, Co-Chair
Cindy O’Connor, 1st Vice Chair
Deji Jimoh, 2nd Vice Chair
Josh Lowitz, Treasurer
Monika Bahri, Secretary
Zaid Abdul-Aleem
Eric Bruozis
Stephanie Cohen
Michael Demetriou
Margery Feitler
Anny Gary
Geoff Gist ’79
Adam Gross ’84
Rheaana Guess
Adnaan Hamid
Andrew Hananel
Michael Jackson
Tiffany Hamel Johnson
Kim Kerbis ’81
Mikus Kins ’91 
Jonathan Levin
Mike Mokotoff
Tamar Newberger ’81
Irene Parisi
Adrienne Pitts
Marv Pollack
Isa Pressman
Nick Scodro
Clarissa Shah
Steven Weisman '04
Brian Wrubel
Rika Yoshida

Standing Board Committees

List of 5 items.

  • Advancement Committee

    • Oversees the operation of the school’s total fiscal development program
    • Recommends policies for the school’s ongoing development efforts
  • Audit Committee

    • Recommends the appointment of independent auditors to the Board of Trustees
    • Meets with the independent auditors before and after the annual audit to discuss the financial reporting of the school
    • Interacts with the Finance Committee and Chief Financial Officer regarding the school’s financial reporting
    • Submits the annual audit to the Board of Trustees, with recommendation for approval
  • Facilities Committee

    • Oversees school construction projects
    • Oversees the care and preservation of the school’s grounds and physical plant
  • Finance Committee

    • Continually reviews the school’s financial condition
    • In conjunction with the Principal and staff, reviews budget forecasts and recommends an annual budget for the following fiscal year (July to June)
    • Oversees the Investment Subcommittee
  • Governance Committee

    • Presents to the Board the names of persons for election as Trustees-at-Large, Officers, Honorary Trustees and Life Trustees
    • Conducts an orientation program for all new Trustees
    • Evaluates the performance of each Trustee eligible for re-election in a given year
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.