
French Students Create Tales for JK Buddies

By Languages and Cultural Studies Department Co-Chair Cynthia Marker
French IV seniors have been enjoying monthly visits to Tisha Johnson’s JK class since the start of the school year. Activities have included fun songs, arts and crafts and the creation of senior-JK buddy groups.

For this week’s entertainment, seniors wrote original French fairy tales with the help of the online design tool Canva. Inspired by a project in their Graphic Novel course with Upper School English teacher Mike Mahany earlier this semester, French IV students produced French stories using Canva’s AI-generated imagery. With the help of Middle and Upper School Librarian Annette Lesak from the Integrated Learning and Information Sciences Department, their books were printed for our storytime session in Ms. Johnson’s class this week.

Creative plots ranged from time-traveling princesses to endearing portraits of famous historical French and Canadian figures. The senior-authored JK French library now includes these titles: La vie de Pierre (The Life of Pierre), L'Aventure à la bibliothèque (The Library Adventure), Où est mon château (Where is My Castle?), Bonsoir, mes lecteurs (Good Evening, Readers), La Vie de la Tour Eiffel (The Life of the Eiffel Tower) and Aurora sous la Tour Eiffel (Aurora Under the Eiffel Tower).

A resounding “merci” to all who inspired and helped bring about this heartwarming unit that produced many beaux souvenirs for our soon-to-graduate French seniors and their JK friends.

Click here for photos.
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.