First Graders Become Superhero Family Helpers

By the Integrated Learning and Information Science Department
First graders have created their own superhero identities!

To help them create their secret superhero identity, 1st graders made connections with ways to be superhero helpers at home. Students explored the jobs, tasks and responsibilities that need to happen every day for their families to have comfortable, healthy, happy homes. Students thought about how they could help contribute to their families and homes as superheroes with superpowers!

Students in ILIS brainstormed about the tasks that go into making a home run successfully. They made idea maps connecting the jobs and tasks of making a meal, getting everyone to different spaces, keeping a house clean, etc. 

To help students learn more about being family and community helpers, Lori Sugarman-Li came for an author visit to the Kovler Family Library and read her newly released book Our Home: The Love, Work and Heart of Family. This book shares the idea that everyone needs to contribute and work together to make a home a happy and comfortable place. The book also includes deeper ideas on how all members of a family can and should help each other, which correspond with the ILIS goals of thinking about collaboration and the larger school mission of citizenship, including the Parker phrase, “Everything to help and nothing to hinder.”

After they brainstormed and made the community helper maps, each 1st grade student created their own superhero identity and chose their superhero powers. Next, they figured out how to use their superpowers to help their families and contribute to their household. The final step was to design a logo for their superhero! Using pencil and paper, students sketched out designs that represented the characters they created. Next, they used Cricut design software to transfer their sketches into a digital format. Once their superhero logos were created on the Cricut software, we used the Cricut machine to cut out and iron their logos on their superhero capes.

Below is a website that showcases each 1st grade superhero in action, flying to help their families! Learn all about their superhero identities, their powers and how they can be superhero helpers at home.

Click here for photos.

Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.