Students Analyze Traffic Through Algebraic Thinking with Engineer Mark Love
After a one-year hiatus, engineer Mark Love returned to Parker to show the Upper School how they can use Algebra in practical applications. Love is part of Engineers Teaching Algebra, a program that brings an engineer into the classroom to encourage the pursuit of advanced math and science studies.
Love is a managing engineer for a global transportation firm. For each class, he takes the students through the exercise of analyzing intersections and using algebra to determine how much time each lane of traffic should receive in the full cycle of an intersection. This exercise teaches students that there are multiple ways to solve this issue, but some are more efficient than others, which result in different timing outcomes and better flow of traffic.
At each of his visits, Love challenges the students with another problem and gives them a goal number to reach based on the most efficient outcome. This year, students who had previously seen Love’s presentation in 2023 actually tracked him down to show him that they had completed the problem and figured out the answer after two years had passed!
By connecting algebraic concepts with real-life applications, speakers like Love inspire students to understand the value of what they learn in the classroom. Parker is grateful for Love’s love of learning and continuous impact on students.
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.