Cross-Grade Curriculum Cultivates Community

Prior to December Recess, Upper School Advanced French students in Cynthia Marker’s class visited their younger friends in Tisha Johnson’s JK classrooms for music, creativity and connection.

Marker and Johnson know the power of intergenerational connections between students and have worked to bring their classes together regularly. ost recently, students exchanged greetings, French students sang songs, and Upper School students joined their JK buddies in arts and crafts, story reading and lively small-group conversations.

It is a special time for the oldest and youngest students in the building to forge relationships while celebrating world cultures. Songs include vocabulary related to greetings, numbers, animals, family and, bien sûr, la cuisine!

With the addition of French and Mandarin in Middle School starting in 7th grade, delightful interdivisional connections like these ensure the school’s youngest learners are actively engaged in explorations of diverse societies around the globe.

Click here to view photos from this visit.

Enjoy these pics of JK–12th grade programming that helped ring in the new year while highlighting the spirit of community in all the ways Parker knows best!

Très bonne année!
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.