Student Documentarians Featured in Film Festival

The Upper School “Creating Historical Documentaries” course, co-taught by Visual Arts and Graphic Design teacher Travis Chandler and History teacher Dan Greenstone, has a track record of producing truly amazing content that has been recognized both inside and outside Parker’s walls. And this trend continued as three student directors had their film accepted and shown at a student film festival.

Seniors Jack Charfoos, Josh Gross and Josh Mendoza’s documentary “Chicago Gang Database,” which focused on Chicago’s infamous, decades-long use of a gang-member database, was screened at the ARCLight Student Film Festival. Hosted by the Academic Resource Center at John Hersey High School, the annual festival is dedicated to honoring the creativity of high school student filmmakers from all over the world.

Parker is very proud that ARCLight recognized the hard work of these three students, and looks forward to hearing about more success from these budding cinematographers!

Click here to watch this documentary!
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.