Bake Sale Supports Local Refugees

A group of Middle School students orchestrated a bake sale on campus to help raise funds for refugees who have recently settled in Chicago.

Following an in-class reading of Alan Gratz’s award-winning novel Refugee, 7th grade student Noor Schulte was inspired to do all she could to help newly arrived refugees. Schulte brainstormed possible ideas with History teacher Alex Munro, and a bake sale seemed like the best option. They set a date and welcomed other interested students and their families to participate.

The event was a success. Many members of the Parker community supported their efforts, raising more than $300, which the team donated to RefugeeOne following the event.

Great job to all involved!
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.