JK and French IV Wrap a Year of French, Fun and Friendship

Throughout the school year, Languages and Cultural Studies Department Co-Chair Cynthia Marker’s French IV seniors have been enjoying monthly visits to Tisha Johnson's JK. Activities so far this year have included songs, arts and crafts and the creation of senior-JK buddy groups.

The combined group met one last time this year for a final art project in the TIDES Garage. Prior to this meeting, ILIS team member and Middle and Upper School Librarian Annette Lesak laser-cut 30 Eiffel Towers, and Johnson and Marker tasked the buddies to decorate them together.

Balloons, markers and all sorts of crafts were available, and each group of buddies had fun decorating the tower cutouts and reaffirming the bonds of camaraderie they have developed throughout a year of cross-divisional experiences.

Click here for photos.
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.