
Interest Groups Begin in 7th and 8th Grades

Students in 7th and 8th grades assembled to build community and share novel experiences when they met in interest groups for the first time this year.

In addition to a common framework for 14 grades of learning, Parker’s new eight-day schedule provides 7th and 8th grade students with 20 opportunities to gather in mixed groups to learn about a range of topics from Parker community members.

At this inaugural gathering, students learned darkroom skills with an art teacher, board games with a math teacher, table tennis with a Spanish teacher, fiber arts with English and ILIS teachers team-teaching, K-pop appreciation with another Spanish teacher, film spotting with a history teacher and an English teacher, LEGO with the Dean of Student Life, and music and wellness with an assistant teacher, to name a few.

The animated conversations, laughter and palpable energy emanating from the classrooms during these initial gatherings bode well for interest groups this year.

Enjoy a photo gallery of the fun here.
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.