
Red Cross Club Drive Donates Life

Parker’s school community was successful in collecting 35 units of blood at a recent American Red Cross Blood Drive.

In pursuit of their mission to alleviate human suffering in whatever form it might present itself, Upper School students in Parker’s American Red Cross Club conducted a blood drive during the school day for interested members of the school community to donate blood. 

Employees, students and parents/guardians shared 35 units of blood and 4 units of concentrated red blood cells. Of the 29 individuals who participated in the drive, 24 were first-time donors.

The club appreciates everyone who helped make their blood drive a success in one way or another. Their next event takes place in March in association with Sound the Alarm, a nationwide initiative that activates thousands of volunteers to go into their communities to install smoke alarms for those who need them. Watch for opportunities to get involved in the near future.
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.