
Asian Alliance Shines Light on Lunar New Year

The Asian Alliance affinity group recently led students in Intermediate, Middle and Upper Schools through a Morning Ex to celebrate and explain the Lunar New Year.

To start, the Alliance welcomed Hoang Phuc Lion Dance Association at Chicago to perform the Lion Dance. The group began in the hallway and led this traditional dance through the audience and eventually onto the stage of the Heller Auditorium.

Next, Alliance members discussed the creation myth behind the Chinese Zodiac and how this “Race to the Finish” proceeded to organize these 12 creatures. They shared the history and adoption of this celebration in China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Korea and that it marks the beginning of the Lunar Calendar year, this year on January 29. Finally, they explained that 2025 was the Year of the Snake and some things associated with this year, such as reflection, growth and personal transformation.

Members of the Alliance related the different ways countries around the globe celebrate Lunar New Year, starting with China and Taiwan, then Korea and Vietnam. Each presenter talked about their family’s traditions and their personal favorite parts of each celebration, from the foods to the festivals.

After a rousing round of trivia to drive home this new information, each member of the audience left with a better understanding of the celebration of Lunar New Year and their peers’ life stories. As Parker strives to instill empathy and understanding in students, Morning Exes like these are crucial to developing awareness and respect for the world around us.

Special thanks to all of Asian Alliance for this special Morning Ex, including Co-Heads Audrey Tai and Maddy Young and presenters Daniel Chang, Ava Lin, Jack Siska, Spencer Koh, Nina Zaldivar and Hannah Jin who participated on stage during Q&A!

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Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.