
Upper School Students Break Down Elections at MX

Students in Upper School History teacher Andy Bigelow’s Elections 2024 course explained the ins and outs of the upcoming election at Morning Ex last week. From swing states to the Electoral College, the US students took the audience on a journey through the entire process and described how Parker’s district is represented both locally and nationally. 

This US elective occurs every four years to coincide with the presidential election. Students take a deep dive into the civic process discussing polls, breaking down the candidates and actively supporting democracy through canvassing, phone banking and serving as election judges. 

The class also features several speakers who work in government and voter education and support and have included School Board District 4 candidate Ellen Rosenfeld, 43rd Ward Alderman Timmy Knudsen, League of Women Voters member Pat Wilder, journalist Eugene Scott, Chief of Staff for Rep. Robin Kelly Matt McMurray and Operation Swing State Founder Patrick Hanley. 

The presentation concluded with two important messages. First, it was not lost on the students that a majority of those in the audience are not eligible to vote. However, this should not stop students from getting involved in the election process. Volunteering in a variety of ways can still positively contribute to the electoral process.

Next, class members performed an activity that showcased how many people vote versus how many are eligible to vote, which underlined the importance of registering and actually voting to ensure every voice is heard in the election.

The Morning Ex concluded with a robust round of audience questions that ranged from what the House of Representatives does to how someone can become an elector for their state. The Elections class did an excellent job answering these questions and taking the audience through the meaning of being an active citizen in our democratic society—a core value of Parker’s mission.

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Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.