
Corinthians Morning Exercise Launches School Year

Since the school’s founding in 1901, Parker has begun each academic year with the Corinthians Morning Ex, and the tradition continued this year. Students gathered to the sound of handbells in the Heller Auditorium, where Principal Dan Frank reinforced the belief that all individuals matter and spoke to the history and importance of this Morning Ex as a unifying element that reaffirms the community’s connections and commitment to one another.

Every year, one or more Parker representatives has read from Corinthians 12:14–26, reminding the assembly of Parker’s commitment to each individual in the community. This year, Division Heads Kimeri Swanson-Beck, Vahn Phayprasert and Cory Zeller read this excerpt and discussed its significance, regardless of any person’s political or religious affiliation. Three students then took to the stage to share with the audience. Sophomore Alayna Mack,  junior Dal Harrell and sophomore Anna Chandler all shared a quote and discussed it’s relevance and importance to the audience. 

The Morning Ex ended with the tradition of each part of the Parker community adding their own piece to Parker’s model home, while Music Department Chair Kingsley Tang and Choral Music teacher Christian Jackson led the audience in singing, “Who’s Got a Piece of the House?”

Click here for photos.
Francis W. Parker School educates students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a diverse democratic society and global community.